Like a book club, but with video games.

E3 coverage this year

As you all know, E3 has been pretty dull for the last few years. I have no explicit plans to do rebroadcasting myself, but if you’d like to, E3 (and twitch) have very kindly said that it’s perfectly OK to re-stream E3 broadcasts on Twitch.

Also: a reminder that our new (actually good) mumble server can be found at: Address:, Port: 50904, Password: 3ymeva9u

I have attached a schedule below.


I may ask to devote a small amount on our presumed forthcoming live podcast in Leeds, The City of a Trillion Tears, to talk about the highlights and lowlights, but will probably not do it conference-by-conference as we have in previous years (unless it turns out to be a really meaty E3).

Love, Cats

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